Wowza. After 4 nights with little-no sleep, have finally found the time to update this after the death of Michael jackson. Having spent the first two days and nights on assignment for
ZUMA, covering how people have been celebrating the life of MJ, moving pictures out every few hours to meet the international newspaper deadlines, then the last two nights on stake outs outside of MJ's homes for
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HERE, just in case something happens, its certainly taken its toll on my sleeping habits :) But very cool to be on the front line of all of this.

I've run into quite a few characters along the way, some people were Too real... like this guy who was asked to take a picture with their baby... reminded me of this
stunt back in 2002!
Jun 26, 2009 - Hollywood, California, USA - Michael Jackson Look-A-Like HECTOR ROJAS kisses baby CALLIE LAWSON and tries not to drop her, like the real 'King of Pop' inside of HOOTERS on Hollywood Blvd. across from the late icon's Walk of Fame Star. Rojas has been a professional Jackson look a like since the age of 7. (Credit Image: © Patrick T Fallon/ZUMA Press)

People found different ways of celebrating, however, some were more solemn, others more lively - choosing to remember his life rather than morn his death.
Jun. 26, 2009 - Hollywood, California, USA - After midnight fans gather to remember Michael near his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. One superfan: TAYLOR BARRASEN, remembers the 'King of Pop' across the street from his star at Grauman's Chinese Theatre, dancing and singing to 'Billie Jean' - eventually moving from in front of the theatre, down Hollywood Blvd. while performing the zombie dance from Thriller. (Credit Image: © Patrick T Fallon/ZUMA Press)

It was interesting to see how people reacted to this, the weirdest thing being that so many people decided to go to the OTHER Michael Jackson star [different person, same name] when the real MJ star was covered, I would have thought people would have gathered at the Jackson 5 family star, but alas, that was empty..

But the streets were certainly alive, some even started dancing... which was hilarious...

Jun 25, 2009 - Hollywood, California, USA - Fans of the late Michael Jackson remember the 'King of Pop' across the street from his star at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, dancing and singing to songs including 'Thriller' and 'Billie Jean' - eventually moving from in front of the theatre down Hollywood Blvd. while performing the zombie dance from Thriller down the walk of fame. (Credit Image: © Patrick T Fallon/ZUMA Press)

Jun 25, 2009 - Hollywood, California, USA - A fan of the late Michael Jackson wearing a Jackson T-Shirt dances with someone wearing a Marilyn Monroe T-Shirt across the street from Jackson's star at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, dancing and singing to songs including 'Thriller' and 'Billie Jean'. (Credit Image: © Patrick T Fallon/ZUMA Press)

Jun 25, 2009 - Hollywood, California, USA - Helene Kress, Cheyene Haynes, and Symphonye Bishop, fans of Michael Jackson mourn the loss of the 'King of Pop', leaving flowers and candles at the Hollywood and Vine star for the Radio Personality Michael jackson, due to the late music icon's star in front of Gruman's Chinese Theatre being covered by the premiere of the film 'Bruno'. (Credit Image: © Patrick T Fallon/ZUMA Press)

Jun 25, 2009 - Hollywood, California, USA - An iPhone playing the song 'I Love You' by Michael Jackson rests next to candles and flowers left for the late pop icon. Fans of Michael Jackson mourn the loss of the 'King of Pop', leaving flowers and candles at the Hollywood and Vine star for the Radio Personality Michael jackson, due to the late music icon's star in front of Gruman's Chinese Theatre being covered by the premiere of the film 'Bruno'. (Credit Image: © Patrick T Fallon/ZUMA Press)

Technology was a HUGE part in how quickly news spread about the death of jackson, from everyone Twittering, checking out sites like, and communicating via their iPhones and computers, it seemed that everyone knew instantly.